Bulk Assign Up Sheets

Ability to reassign larger groups of up sheets to one or multiple users at one time.

Jami Ribeiro avatar
Written by Jami Ribeiro
Updated over a week ago

How does it work?

Head over to the Up Sheets tab.  Then, determine which group of up sheets are interested in.  For example, perhaps you have active up sheets that need to be distributed to three of your sales reps.  Click the "active" sub-tab.  Or maybe you want to assign all up sheets with a specific source to a single sales rep.  Make sure you are in the correct filter (i.e. Lost, All, etc.), and select the source of interest from the drop-down menu on the right.  Then, click the search button.

  At the bottom of the page: Click Bulk Assign.  (Note, the ability to Export data is only available for Account Admins).

Next, you will be able to choose the sales reps that you want to distribute the selected up sheets to. You can also add a note if you'd like.

Click the "Reassign " button to complete the assignment process.  If multiple sales reps have been selected for up sheet assignment, AutoRaptor will evenly distribute the total number of up sheets to all the sales reps selected evenly.

PLEASE NOTE: If the total number of up sheets that needs to be reassigned is large, it could take some time for the process to complete.  A progress bar will appear on the right-hand side of the screen that will allow you to track the progress of this process.

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