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Adding or removing a location (Owner Only)
Adding or removing a location (Owner Only)

Here are the steps if you need to add or remove a location with your account.

Jami Ribeiro avatar
Written by Jami Ribeiro
Updated over a week ago

Note: This function can only be done by an Admin who is the Owner. Removing and adding a location will automatically adjust your bill.

Click on your name in the Upper Right Corner and go to "Settings".

You will have two options to add a new dealership.

Option 1: Clone an existing location.

This option will add the same action plan, templates and sources to your new location.

Please note: You will have to change the address and phone number in the General tab and address in the Quoting tab, but the biggest benefit to cloning is that you can use the same action plan, sources and templates if you have already spent time customizing them. You will also need to set up additional sales or inventory integration. Contact support at for assistance!

Option 2: Add dealership.

This will create AutoRaptor's default settings, action plans, templates and sources to your new location.

You will also need to set up additional sales or inventory integration. Contact support at for assistance!

Removing a location:

In order to be able to delete, all users at this location must be granted access to the remaining location and/or removed from the system if they are no longer a user in order for the system to allow the account to be deleted. Once complete, simply click on the trash can next to the location.

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