FAQs about Inventory

Approved vendors, frequency of imports, missing inventory, and switching providers

Jami Ribeiro avatar
Written by Jami Ribeiro
Updated over a week ago

What if my inventory provider is not listed among your approved vendors?
We can work with new vendors to set up data feeds - just provide us with a contact person and we do the rest to determine if integration will work with your vendor.  If it will, then we move forward in setting up the provider for our current and future mutual customers. If not, then you still have the option to manually upload your inventory.

Why are vehicles missing in AutoRaptor when I have an automated feed from my inventory provider?
There are a few possible answers to this question that you can quickly research on your own by checking in your inventory management tool:

  • The vehicle is completely missing from the inventory file that was sent to AutoRaptor. We can only import data we receive with the required fields.

  • The vehicle data we receive is missing one or both of the required fields (VIN and/or stock number). Double check that all the information is included.

If both of the required fields are present and your vehicles still are not showing up, then the support team needs to work with your inventory provider to figure out the issue. You can send support a message at any time by clicking on "Contact us for help" within the application itself.  When submitting support requests, please provide specific examples of missing vehicles.

How often does inventory update if I have an automated feed?
The inventory updates daily, not immediately. If you have made any updates to your inventory during today's business hours, it will not show up in AutoRaptor until the next day.

What if I have a new inventory provider?
Please notify the AutoRaptor Support team so that we can reach out to the provider. You should also notify the inventory provider that you would like your inventory sent to AutoRaptor.

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